The school

I will even build a internat school, for specially homeless children, but other children can even be educated here.
That school will be white not brown and that will be near my home, in the country side, which still is near the city
There will be a big swiming pool, a big hall for sport and a huge library in the school
The school have to be clean always
There will even be a beautiful garden
The roof will even be much better than that, there will be flowers and a nice place to sit down and relax
And there will be rules in the school,
There willl be just well educated teachers, cock and all the working persons
The school will be demokratic school, that's mean, it will be like an demokratic country.
You have to vote about everything
And the children have the right to make changes, not in everything
They have right to say whatever they want
But there will be even no right to say bad things, niether at the personal or to children
It's forbidden to beat ech other or to take down others.
No one is better than one another
Everyone is a human
It will even besides the basic subject educate the pupils subjects which are important not just to the college
but it will be important to their lives
All have to show love to each other and respect
magic spell

Over your cup of tea, move your hand in a clockwise direction 3 times and say:
"I am the tool you are the fire
fill this cup with all I desire."
Swirl the tea in the cup and drink it.
Empower an acorn with the following chant & carry it on your person during difficult times.
"Little seed with cap so fine, Grant your strength & make it mine.
Make me as sturdy as your tree. As I will, so mote it be!"
chant nine times,
bright light,
dark night,
cloak me in light
as dark as night.
This is especially useful at night time if you don't want to be seen.
wondering magic bring to me, in this life the luck I need,
so all my angles can be seen, and thus fulfill my every dream,
combined earth and fire, bring forth my hearts desire,
guardians of the sea, keep all harm from me.
This should be done while lighting 4 candles 1 at each side of u repeat the
above words 3 times to bring good luck and obtain your hearts desire.
To the moon.
To the sun.
To the skies.
To the waters.
Stars, let your fire burn.
Winds let your strength grow.
Let us unite.
Let me shine bright.
All you need are the three basic magic necessities, need, emotion, and knowledge.
Concentrate on only what you need. Say the following;
I give, because I'm generous. I take because I ask.
What I well deserve is what I will get.
I deserve (whatever you need) I need (whatever you need)
I will get (whatever you need) so be it, and so it is.
If you wish to have a vision true, then put together this witches brew.
Mix this oil, this sacred potion, charged with power and devotion,
filled with Marigold, Rosemary, Clove, Mugwort, Lavender, Jasmine and Rose.
Make an incense of the same, to ignite the mind, the mystic flame.
Smudge with incense and anoint with oil, to cleanse yourself of mortal toil.
Chant this chant to start your mission, as a trigger for your vision:
Vision, Sight and deep perception, mystic light and meditation,
trance or conscious my eyes shall see, the other side shall come to me.
Now sit in thought, in meditation, lost in mind, in concentration,
wait for the vision that you desire to come to you within the hour.
On a windy day go outside taking a pen, marker with you.
Choose a green leaf that has already fallen off of a tree.
Write what you want to wish for on the leaf and kiss it and say
"of my will, so mote it be," and let the wind take the leaf away.