The love letter (1998)

To live and love across the time
This movie is awsome!!
You have to see it!
It's about a man who bought an old desk.. which he found letters inside the secret door..
And he wrote a answer for the letter, while he didn't axpected something..
But strangly the letter came to the person and they began to write to each other, though the lady was dead allready but the letters went through the time.. And so much happenes.. In her life and his.. You have to see to understand..
Oh it so sad! Do you think that the souls are been born over and over again?
They say that there is someone the same as you, exactly you.. somewhere else.. in another demention of time..
I wonder what life I had then.. How my life was like...
I have seen that movie when I was a kid.. maybe thats why I began to love write letters.. to get letters.. Maybe that's why I believed in real and true love and at the wondering souls in demention of time..
dragonfly (2002)

It's a great movie! I really liked it.. Today on chanel 3 was that movie, which I being charmed by... Well I really like the guy.."Kevin Costner" He is awsome.. His movies are really good..
It's about a guy who lost his wife in an accident.. in Venzuela.
Both are doctors.. and she decided to go with the group to the villiges in Vensuella.. though he was against going while she was pragnant.. But she told him.. that she was needed so she had to go..
Yeah well when she was lost there in the buss accident.. her ghost came to her husband couple of times.. He though he was going to be crazy.. but in the end he found out that she had something to tell him.. Something he had to know..
Well watch it, so you will know what happens.. It's much better to watch it..
"The important thing is to believe"
Well yeah he had to trust in his feelings and believe in things with no "avidence" because then he wouldn't come to know anything.. He had to follow his heart.. and see what there would be..

In that movie they try to make everything has a meaning.. But what is the meaning, to start over again?
I can't get an idea why.. So the humans would have another chance?
For what, if it's true..
Or what's the meaning of all dying people around, in accidente.. or even been born..
Why is this world so full of mysterium?
Nicolas Cage says that he thinks everything had a meaning before his wife's dead. But after her death he thought that everything has to be just accident, just happens without having any meaning.
When he saw the paper which his son took, in that day the capsul would open and everyone would take a letter which children had made 50 years ago, the paper of numbers of the future which a girl made. The dates of the accident which would happen. He thought again, that everything had a meaning and was planed before, so many years ago. And he began to search and find out, untill the day which the whispers came and took his and the grandchild of that girl away..
You got to see it so you would understand what they mean, and what the whispers wanted from them..
Street fighter - The legend of Chun Li

Her strength, her fury, her vengeance, will become legend.

I really like this movie. It's about a girl whose father been kidnaped by a bad boss who drive the whole world like he wants.. She became at last older and became famous pianoist but then when her mother died she felt as she born as new, I mean as she is a different person, that she has to do something, which she didn't know.. and then when she got the letter.. the mysterious letter, she been told to go to Hong Kung there she will meet a guy, Gin ( I think he's name was) who will be her master, who are going to teach her to fight.. And at the same time she will meet her anemy.. the boss who kidnapped her father.. And yeah well you will see what will she go thrue..
"Fathers always have a weakness for their daughters"
"Angriness isn't gonna guide you"
"You must fight with passion"
"Believe in your true self"
The accidental husband

It's really good movie about a woman who talk in radio about love.. and give love advice for women.. well maybe for men too? anyway, once a woman called and wondered what she would do because she wasn't sure about the guy who she would married, if he is the one for her.. later that guy been rejected before their marriege and then he wanted to teach that woman.. who are giving advice that she can't just play with others dececion, specially about love and marrige.. well and then he marrid her and that's how they met.. and it happens so many things.. you have to see it! It's both entertaining and even make you see some things you didn't know..
Seven Pounds

It's a great movie about a man who loved so much his fiance, but the fate toke her away in a car-accident with sex other people and then he decided to change 7 other poeple to the better...
You just have to watch it, you will understand in the end...
"in seven days GOD created the world, and in seven secounds I shutted mine"

It is really good! It's about a girl who met a boy who are in the same chemistry-class. The boy turened to be a vampire, but he and his family are vimpires living on drinking animal blood.. it's like to be vegeterian... In the end they loved each other.. but they face so many trubles with other vimpires.. You have to see it! It's not like thous disgusting vimpire movies.. this one is really good!
Nights in Rodanthe
Its a movie writen by Nicholas Sparks, there is even the book off caurse ^^. Its the same auther as wrote "the nothe book" and "a walk to remember".
Its a story about a women who have 2 children and lived apart from her husband. And a men who was doctor and lived apart from his family, his wife and son. The fate give them a chance to see and change their selves, thru falling in love with each other.
"There is another kind of love,
one which gives you the courage
to be better than you are,
not lesser than you are.
One that make you feel that anything is possible.
I want you to know that you can have that
I want you to hold out for it
I want you to know that you deserve it"
A walk to remember
Its about a girl (Mandy Moore), and a boy (Shane West) who fall in love. Its really good, you have to see it!
It's really tragic story!
It's written as a book too, the auther is Nicholas Sparks, its the same auther who wrote "the note book".
"I cry to you, my Lord, my rock!
Do not be deaf to me,
for if you are silent,
I shall go down to the pit like the rest.
Hear my voice raised in petition
as I cry to you for help,
as I raise my hands, My Lord,
toward your holy of holies."
"I am not commanding you,
but I want to test the sincerity of your love
by comparing it to the earnestness of others."
"Love is always patient and kind.
It is never jealous.
Love is never boastful or conceited.
It is never rude or selfish.
It does not take offense and is not resentful.
Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins,
but delights in the truth.
It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope,
and to endure whatever comes."
we can't see it
but we can feel it"
Have you seen a movie or something which made you remember some memories, some words you used to use? As if that part you have been in, but the words and the memoriese became just in wrong place, wrong time and wrong world. As if you have lived a life before, in the past, in the different time, different world...
sanawat dya3 - thafaki elqadr ya sham3ty
one liter of tears
this is a Japanese serie which are sub with engish.
its about a 16 years old girl which was so energic and best in school
was strong and kind with all
but one day she get knew that she had a incurable disease
that disease make the person slowly can hardly walk, speak, eat and in the end the pirson will die
but she never losed the hope, so she battled all the way to the end
the serie show you how she feel and how the things goes with her life
the notebook
This is "the nootebook", I have seen the movie and read the book by nicholas sparks. This story is a love story, about Noah and Allie who loved each other till the end.
I did love to read the book more than see the movie of it.. Because the book had more emotions, I mean I felt like it was more romantic and more sesual than the movie.
"Do you know what I most remember about the good days?
Falling in love, that's what I remember.
Every time I read to her, it was like I was courting her, because sometimes, just sometimes, she would fall in love with me again, just like she had a long time ago. And that's the most wonderful feeling in the world. How many people are ever gives that chance? To have someone you love fall in love with you over and over."
Noah said (in the book) it after that she died, because of the disease, Alzheimer. The disease of forgetting itself.
"I love you.. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I have ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. And my darling, you will always be mine."
"She was my dream. She made me who I am, and holding her in my arms was more natural to me than my own heartbeat. I think about her all the time. Even now, when I am sitting here I think about her. There could never have been another."
He said it (in the book) to her when she asked him about "his wife", because she didnt remember anything.