Because I love you soo

last promise

Dices adiós, hay tanto dolor
qúedate aquí, no te vayas de mí
nunca más compartiremos juntos algo así
quiero estar contiga un poco más
Tu mano, amor.
No quiero hoy soltar
Porque yo sé no la lendré otra vez
creo que cerrando mís ojos
tú no te irás
y estaras por siempre junto a mí
A pesar de que al decirme adiós
estas rompiendo mí corazón
trataré de no llorar
mientras estés aquí
Cómo podré calmar este dolor que hay en mí
obligando a mí corazón a dejar de amarte
y verte partir
No puedo hablar
y hay tanto que decir
mí corazón no para de llorar
no puedo
tratar de retenerte un poco más
porque sé
que debo dejarte ir
Dor última vez
tu rostro miraré
y escucharé tu voz
cerca de mí
el dolor de este recuerdo
pronto se irá
Más tu amor
nunca pasará
sin mirar atras, dijiste
"Adiós, ya nos volveremos a ver"
fuerza de a mi vida esta promesa de final.
Estos mismos sueños
Nunca podre vivir si tú no estás junto a mí
Cómo poder detener el tiempo
justo aquí
Lás lágrimas corren
ahora en mí piel ya que tú no me puedes ver
el valor se va en mí vida
hoy junto a tí
ahora paso a paso te alejas de mi
y yo nada puedo hacer
espero que sepas
que yo siempre
te amare...
I will love you eternally

If destiny is not for me
And my love is not ment to be
Then why did you let this love on me to see
Now my tears run down like sea
I have been betrayed by fate
How i wish you'll be my soulmate
Torture me until i'll be awake
So this pain would soonly fade
Are you now happy
Seeing my life in mysery
With your love a part of my bitter history
Gradually you are distroying me
Suffering all sleepless night
I just wanna hold you with all my might
On you I can't demand , I don't have rights
Then a snap look at you , found delight
I never stop from crying
Every minute I feel like dying
Release me now from this sighing
I beg don't stop me from loving
I never forget you as i pray
Can you please wipe this tears away
My head on your shoulders i would lay
I love you there's nothing more to say
This may suffocate me from my insecurity
But we can never escape reality
You can't be mine completely
but i will love you eternally
A kiss..


Let us travel through the world of dreams
when the subconscious takes us for a ride
Where there are no limits
no boundaries
only the unknown is by your side
In your dreams you are as light as a butterfly
weightless and free
Everything you wish for
in your dreams you will see
Let your mind take you where wild flowers grow
when you sleep the most beautiful things may show
I'll leave without a sound..

Who knew love could be so sweet,
yet so painful..
I think the part that hurts the most
is when you can feel every break of your heart
and there's nothing you can do to stop from breaking.
I am so tired of trying
and so sick of crying
Yeah I am still smiling
But inside I am dying
I could fill a thousand pages
telling you how I feel
and still you would not understand
So I leave without a sound,
expect that of my heart shattering as it hits the ground.
I am trying

Take the power

How can I?

the ocean of memories

This isn't farwell

The ocean of tears

the silense

They say..
If the words is from silver
the silence is from gold
My angel

Reach my dream

Shakespeare 1

Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after-loss:
Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scoped this sorrow,
Come in the rearward of a conquer'd woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow,
To linger out a purposed overthrow.
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite
But in the onset come; so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might,
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.

O, from what power hast thou this powerful might
With insufficiency my heart to sway?
To make me give the lie to my true sight,
And swear that brightness doth not grace the day?
Whence hast thou this becoming of things ill,
That in the very refuse of thy deeds
There is such strength and warrantize of skill
That, in my mind, thy worst all best exceeds?
Who taught thee how to make me love thee more
The more I hear and see just cause of hate?
O, though I love what others do abhor,
With others thou shouldst not abhor my state:
If thy unworthiness raised love in me,
More worthy I to be beloved of thee.
believing in
loving you like I do?