Lucia and Roberto

A young lady was sitting on the side of the river, in the forest, near her home. She was watching her reflexing face on the water, and was thinking about her family which she lost couple of years ago.
She remembered her older sister who she faught all the time with. They argued about every single thing. And now she really missed to fight again with her and argue like they used to do. She missed her older sister who was always with her when she had bad time. Though all the faighting, they loved each other and were impossible to get them apart. She thought about her mother and father, how they were happy and smiled all the time. How they screamed at her and her sister, when they faught, to calm us down. Remembered how all was so happy before that awful day came. When they been taken away from her, the day she decided to be wise and learn everything to take revange. To stop them for what they are doing. She remembered how their faces were looking sad and afraid, while she hided and was so afraid to do something.
She watched her reflexing face on the water, and wondered how her sister would look like if she was alive. Suddenly a tear falled down from her eyes. She wanted to cry out the pain inside. She wanted to scream out and go now and kill everyone who was with her families death.
She calmed herself down and laid her feet in the water. At that time, she heard something strange, like someone was screaming. She stood up and looked around, nothing was showing up. And suddenly she saw something was flowing on the water. The thing was coming closer without moving. She suddnely noticed that it was a body, a young man who was bleeding. She quickly jumped in the river and helped the man out. He didn't move at all. She tried to feel if he had pulse, but it was so weak pulse. She pressed his chest twise until he began to throw up the water he had drinking. And then he looked up and saw a young lady was sitting beside and looked like she was afraid. And later the man flacked out. She saw that he had been shooten on the shoulder. She heard some running steps, as somebody was coming on this way. She took the young man on her back and tried to hide somewhere. She hided in a bush and laid him there, and began to watch from the side of the bush. It was three men with guns who were running beside the river. They were looking after someone, maybe the young man who been shooten. She sat quiet and waited until they were gone. They didn't notice anything. They were still searching after the body. When they were out of reach, she turned to the young man who was still bleeding. She teared apart his T-shirt to see how the injury was. It looked not so good at all. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she had to take away the thing from his body, The thing which had come from the gun. She tide something around the injury and laid him on her back and tried to go home. There she could help him, maybe. And since the home wasn't so far away, they were at her home after some minutes. She laid him on the floor and went after a pincet. And a bowl of water and anther one bowl with water with a clean cloth. She huried to him and tried to burn the pincet she was holding to make it without bactaries, and later she tried to find the thing in his shoulder. And even since he was flacking out, she could hurry and do her work without making a big deal of it. Though he was sometimes making some noices because of his pain.
Until she felt as she was taching something hard, she took it out after some minutes and laid it in the bowl of water, and cleaned the injury and tied it later with a clean cloth. She laid the things on the right places and went back to him. She sat close and watched him breathing slowly. She wondered who he was, why he had been shooten and why they were after him. If he would live or die. She was even scared to bring a doctor, maybe it's the best to keep it a secret and pray to GOD to save him, she thought after all.
She laid a blancket on him and throw away his T-shirt. Since it was darty and blody, so it would be bad at the injury.
She made sope and began to eat. While she ate she thought about if she had to wake him up to eat something or to leave him sleap. She would wait a little more until he wakes up maybe. When she finished her sope she went to him and sat beside him. She was scared that he would die because of her unknowlege. She tried to be strong all these years, tried to work hard to not be beaten by anyone, but now..
She even didn't know how to help a guy who been shoten. The strength maybe wasn't everything. Maybe the knowlege was even important to beat them, thous who killed her only family.
While she thought he opened his eyes, his green, brown eyes and looked at her.
"Thank you for helping me" he said quietly.
She wake up from her thought, and saw that he was awake.
" Just get up and be good again, it would be good" she smiled.
" I am allright now thanks to you. But can I ask for some water please"
" Oh off course, do you want to eat sope too? "
" Mm, ok" he said and smiled..
She brought a glas of water and a bowl of sope and helped him to sit.
" SO why did they shoot you, why were they after you?"
" I don't know, maybe because I didn't want to continue to be their slave"
" what's your name?"
" Roberto, and you?"
" Lucia... What are you going to do?"
" I don't know.."
They sat quiet and wondered how thinngs would go..
" You can stay here, at leats just to be in good health."
" Thank you, I will not forget that, are you living alone?"
" Mmm" She didn't know what the right is to do, she didn't know him as well, but couldn't just leave him though..
" Have you no one close? "
" My family died" She thought iit became such a bad atmosphere here, she didn't want him to ask any more, she stood up and took the bowl and the glass and went to wash it.