
Today happend something so suddenly
I just slipped from the bike (again)
But this time was really serious one
I did break my cheek-bone
I did even have brain concussion
well someone did give me a ride to school
After that I was begging her to give me ride to school
Because I will be late if I just stood here
And off curse I couldn't bike then
I was at school for quit 3-4 hours
After that I did "fight" with the school-sister
Because she was so crazy about that I am here at school
While I had such accident
And because my whole face was swollen
I fell on my half face and half head
I did even bleed from my face
Not that much but it was bleeding
So she did give me some help to go to the class and with the books
And there she told everyone to take care of me
So embresing !
Even more when everyone saw me with that eim!
Maybe because of my swolen face
But then I couldn't stand the pain I had in my head and my face
I even did feel so bad
Just wanted throw up
So I did bike home
Don't know how I could
Because I couldn't even stand on my feet
But then when I was home
My mum just became ill when she saw me
Then I did go to hospital and I was there for couple of hours
from 2 to 6
And then when they took tests and was finnished I just wanted go home so I did
But they said that they will call me to see me after one week
And they even said that I maybe had to do an operation
Because of my broken cheek-bone
And when I heard it
I couldn't stop to "laugh"
can you belive it?
Laughing because my face would be so ugly, if I did the operation
But I wanted really to cry instead but I can't cry infront of someone so I began to laugh
But anyway they will call me after one week
well I even have good news too
Which I knew today
I have MVG in biology
And in chemistry!
I just wanted to shoot out and jump
But I couldn't because of the pain I had when I get knew the results of my test
But I am really happy!
While I feel in pain now soo much
You can't even imagine the pain I am feeling now
I feel like whole my head is going to break to two!

Dónde quedó el verano
Aquel que nos unió
Donde se fue, y no lo sé
Si aún mi amor sigue por tí viviendo
Hasta mañana te sabré esperar
Dime tú, el lugar
Es que la fuerza de un amor así
Sabe triunfar siempre a pesar de todo
Hasta mañana te sabre esperar
Junto a tí quiero estar
Escríbeme, Y te lo explico
Perdóname, te lo suplio
Hasta mañana dime
Hasta mañana mi amor
Dónde quedó nuestro sueño
Aquel que se escapó
Dónde se fue, yo no lo sé
Si aún mi amor sigue por tí viviendo
Aquel que nos unió
Donde se fue, y no lo sé
Si aún mi amor sigue por tí viviendo
Hasta mañana te sabré esperar
Dime tú, el lugar
Es que la fuerza de un amor así
Sabe triunfar siempre a pesar de todo
Hasta mañana te sabre esperar
Junto a tí quiero estar
Escríbeme, Y te lo explico
Perdóname, te lo suplio
Hasta mañana dime
Hasta mañana mi amor
Dónde quedó nuestro sueño
Aquel que se escapó
Dónde se fue, yo no lo sé
Si aún mi amor sigue por tí viviendo
The eye's view
![]() O me, what eyes hath Love put in my head, |
Which have no correspondence with true sight! |
Or, if they have, where is my judgment fled, |
That censures falsely what they see aright? |
If that be fair whereon my false eyes dote, |
What means the world to say it is not so? |
If it be not, then love doth well denote |
Love's eye is not so true as all men's 'No.' |
How can it? O, how can Love's eye be true, |
That is so vex'd with watching and with tears? |
No marvel then, though I mistake my view; |
The sun itself sees not till heaven clears. |
O cunning Love! with tears thou keep'st me blind, |
Lest eyes well-seeing thy foul faults should find. |