Without the moon maybe there wasnt life in this blue and green planet which called earth.
The Moon isn't just a glowing ball in the night sky. It can affect life on Earth, from human behaviour to natural disasters.

In the figure above you are looking down on the Earth's North Pole. The Earth spins counterclockwise (in 24 hours), and the Moon orbits counterclockwise (in 27 days). The fraction of the Moon's sunlit hemisphere which we can see from Earth determines the lunar phase at any time. And the sun light is coming from the left.
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Moon magic is the belief that working rituals at the time of different phases of the moon can bring about physical or psychological change or transformation. These rituals have historically occurred on or around the full moon and to a lesser extent the new moon.
The Moon isn't just a glowing ball in the night sky. It can affect life on Earth, from human behaviour to natural disasters.

In the figure above you are looking down on the Earth's North Pole. The Earth spins counterclockwise (in 24 hours), and the Moon orbits counterclockwise (in 27 days). The fraction of the Moon's sunlit hemisphere which we can see from Earth determines the lunar phase at any time. And the sun light is coming from the left.
You can continue to part 2 when its finnished
Moon magic is the belief that working rituals at the time of different phases of the moon can bring about physical or psychological change or transformation. These rituals have historically occurred on or around the full moon and to a lesser extent the new moon.
"Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array.
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day."
"Pray to the Moon, when She is rounde,
Luck with you, shall then abounde.
What ever you seek for, Shall be founde,
In Sea, or Sky, or Solid Grounde.
- "Monday's child is fair of face.
- Tuesday's child is full of grace.
- Wednesday's child is full of woe
- Thursday's child has far to go.
- Friday's child is loving and giving.
- Saturday's child works hard for his living.
- The child that is born on the Saturday is bonny, blithe and good."
January = Wolf Moon
February = Storm Moon
March = Chaste Moon
April = Seed Moon
May = Hare Moon
June = Dyad Moon
July = Mead Moon
August = Wyrt Moon (green plant)
September = Barley Moon
October = Blood Moon
November = Snow Moon
December = Oak Moon
"I who am the beauty of the green earth,
and the white moon among the stars,
and the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto Me.
For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.
From me all things proceed and unto me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices,
for behold! all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion,
honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Me,
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery.
For if that which you seek, you find not within yourself
you will never find it without.
For behold! I have been with you from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire."
and the white moon among the stars,
and the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto Me.
For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.
From me all things proceed and unto me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices,
for behold! all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion,
honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Me,
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery.
For if that which you seek, you find not within yourself
you will never find it without.
For behold! I have been with you from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire."
Abundant Mother, Moon so bright
Hear my plea upon this night.
Your fertile power lend this spell
Make it potent, strong, and well
Hear my plea upon this night.
Your fertile power lend this spell
Make it potent, strong, and well
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