
In that movie they try to make everything has a meaning.. But what is the meaning, to start over again?
I can't get an idea why.. So the humans would have another chance?
For what, if it's true..
Or what's the meaning of all dying people around, in accidente.. or even been born..
Why is this world so full of mysterium?
Nicolas Cage says that he thinks everything had a meaning before his wife's dead. But after her death he thought that everything has to be just accident, just happens without having any meaning.
When he saw the paper which his son took, in that day the capsul would open and everyone would take a letter which children had made 50 years ago, the paper of numbers of the future which a girl made. The dates of the accident which would happen. He thought again, that everything had a meaning and was planed before, so many years ago. And he began to search and find out, untill the day which the whispers came and took his and the grandchild of that girl away..
You got to see it so you would understand what they mean, and what the whispers wanted from them..