Johanna Nilsson "Hon går genom tavlan, ut ur bilden"

Johanna Nilsson
Hon går genom tavlan, ut ur bilden = She goes through the painting, out of the picture
It's about mobbing and exclusion, about growing up and change, about how children can be cruel, about how the poeple don't want to see. It's about how much we dare to grow up.
Hanna who is the head-caracter is just 10 years old when she loses her best friend.. Slowly everyone leave her and she became more lonely each day.. Everyone at school call her SWOT and treat her ugly.. She try to hide and to be in a safe world there everyone would leave her be.. She began to be afraid from people slowly and get away from them, untill people around her leave her alone too, even thous who tried to be her friend. Until the world arount her becomes empty..
At the same time.. we would read about the same girl after some years, in a psyke-hospital.. there she remembers her grandpa, who died.. she tries to paint and let the soul be free.. She wants to go out and see the world, even if she is afraid from this world.. She is still young and want to feel some vicinity of skin.. She wants to open the window, to let the fresh air in. It's hard to breath here, the soul is getting astma, and the folly grows..
It's really a sad story.. Well I think everyone feels that way too sometimes..
so lonely and scared, so empty and lost.. so confused and gone..
But we don't lose the rope of hope though, because we are much older that that poor girl.. Just 10 years old, and everything just began to be that bad.. No one would get out of this.. But though everyone has their weakness, and their strength.. Everyone would maybe behave differently in that sitiuation.. But just if she let some people come closer to her.. just if the people around could care about her more.. Where were her parents? Her sister and brother? Where did they go? Why noone could possibly see what was going on with her? She was their child though! It's not only her fault, the most who are blamed is the parents.. Why do they make children who they can't handle and take care of.. Poor girl!
I am so sad.. because it happens in the real life too, and the book is even about a real story..There's so many children around who just want some love.. Just want someone around, someone who cares about them.. Just give them some attention..
I was really lucky to have so many around me when I was kidd. Even if they are now spilit now everwher. But I kknow that they just wellcome me whenever I want to se them.. I had their love all these years, their attention.. Even since I was the youngest of all my sisters and brothers.. Even since I was had no father.. I been given more attention and love then anyone.. Everything I wanted they would give me.. Though I was never a kidd who just want that and this.. I Thought always that I had everything I wanted.. And it was really true, even now..
But though everyone around me and all this love I have been given.. I sometimes feel alone in this world.. Well I recognize that is just the feeling when someone becomes teenager.. When everything seems to change, when you change completly.. When you don't even know yourself anymore.. That's even a hard time.. But I had evryone around me then and now too.. So I will never really lose..
I wish everyone knew that everyone around, really cares about them, even if they don't show it..