Steven Levenkron - The best little girl in the world

The Best Little Girl in the World by Steven Levenkron
"Fat and Skinny had a raceAll around the pillow case
Fat fell down and broke her face
Skinny said, ‘Ha-ha, I won the race."
It's about a girl, Francesca Louise Dietrich, a normal teenager who loves ballet and goes for ballet lessons. At the beginning of the story, Francesca has already begun to hate her ‘fat body’, so she began to go down in wights to be in perfect form and be perfect in ballet. Francesca created even a new name for herself: Kessa. In her mind, Kessa is thin and perfect but Francesca is fat and ugly. So that’s how her obsession of becoming thin started.
After some time, her parents noticed that she wasn't normal, that she didn't eat at all and was going down on weights so abnormal. Finally, Kessa’s pediatrician advised her parents to let Kessa see a psychiatrist. But Kessa’s condition did not improve, as she still won’t eat and finally landed in the hospital, even after the doctors she has meet.
I think this is the first book about anorexia nervosa I read.. It was really good and sad in the same time.. But you have to read the whole, because it won't be good if you read just the thought of her.. It would even be good to see how she tries to be better in the end..
But strangly enough I began to throw up when I eat after reading this book, I wonder if it's causes of this..
I even think thoughts like.. being disgust when I see someone eat infront of me, or to see a fat person.. though i try to not think like that. though I try to eat.. not to much off course but not starving myself either.. But I can't help to be disgust and feel ill sometimes..
So be careful when you read it.. don't read with a passion like you usually do, if you decide to read this book..
Johanna Nilsson "Hon går genom tavlan, ut ur bilden"

Johanna Nilsson
Hon går genom tavlan, ut ur bilden = She goes through the painting, out of the picture
It's about mobbing and exclusion, about growing up and change, about how children can be cruel, about how the poeple don't want to see. It's about how much we dare to grow up.
Hanna who is the head-caracter is just 10 years old when she loses her best friend.. Slowly everyone leave her and she became more lonely each day.. Everyone at school call her SWOT and treat her ugly.. She try to hide and to be in a safe world there everyone would leave her be.. She began to be afraid from people slowly and get away from them, untill people around her leave her alone too, even thous who tried to be her friend. Until the world arount her becomes empty..
At the same time.. we would read about the same girl after some years, in a psyke-hospital.. there she remembers her grandpa, who died.. she tries to paint and let the soul be free.. She wants to go out and see the world, even if she is afraid from this world.. She is still young and want to feel some vicinity of skin.. She wants to open the window, to let the fresh air in. It's hard to breath here, the soul is getting astma, and the folly grows..
It's really a sad story.. Well I think everyone feels that way too sometimes..
so lonely and scared, so empty and lost.. so confused and gone..
But we don't lose the rope of hope though, because we are much older that that poor girl.. Just 10 years old, and everything just began to be that bad.. No one would get out of this.. But though everyone has their weakness, and their strength.. Everyone would maybe behave differently in that sitiuation.. But just if she let some people come closer to her.. just if the people around could care about her more.. Where were her parents? Her sister and brother? Where did they go? Why noone could possibly see what was going on with her? She was their child though! It's not only her fault, the most who are blamed is the parents.. Why do they make children who they can't handle and take care of.. Poor girl!
I am so sad.. because it happens in the real life too, and the book is even about a real story..There's so many children around who just want some love.. Just want someone around, someone who cares about them.. Just give them some attention..
I was really lucky to have so many around me when I was kidd. Even if they are now spilit now everwher. But I kknow that they just wellcome me whenever I want to se them.. I had their love all these years, their attention.. Even since I was the youngest of all my sisters and brothers.. Even since I was had no father.. I been given more attention and love then anyone.. Everything I wanted they would give me.. Though I was never a kidd who just want that and this.. I Thought always that I had everything I wanted.. And it was really true, even now..
But though everyone around me and all this love I have been given.. I sometimes feel alone in this world.. Well I recognize that is just the feeling when someone becomes teenager.. When everything seems to change, when you change completly.. When you don't even know yourself anymore.. That's even a hard time.. But I had evryone around me then and now too.. So I will never really lose..
I wish everyone knew that everyone around, really cares about them, even if they don't show it..
Maria Gripe - skuggserien

These books are bookseries.. which are really good and exciting. I read it which such intresset that I even can't forget the story, though I read it about 3 years ago..
It's about a girl, Caroline who came to a house there she worked, as cleaning.. Berta who are the head caracter is around the same age as Caroline and they became friends.. Later with the time she knew that Caroline in the real her sister, by her father.
Her father got sick when he was ingaged and in the hospital he met a nice sister who he fall in love with and got a child.. But he didn't know about the child when he left her to marry his fiance.. But grandmother knew, that's how the girl been sent here..
And later Berta and Caroline go to a work another city, together.. And there their jobb is just to be friends with a boy and a girl who had hard time... Because their mother died..
With the time.. they got knew that in the real.. the childrens mother wasn't dead, but she hided.. because she was tired off everything.. And later when the mother came out, because she wanted to save her child.. It came out.. that the mother of children.. are in the real.. Carolins mother too..
Berta fall in love with the boy.. But the boy fall in love with Caroline.. which is in the real his own sister.. But nothing happened before they knew that they were sublings..
Later Carolin wenty somewhere without telling anyone.. She went to teach to be actriss.
The last book, is Carolin who are writing and telling from her sighn.. She even fall in love with someone... who she met once in a cafe, and his name was ADAM..
Well it's really a good story, which you have to think while you read.. You can't take your eyes off! Well you have to read to know how it feels ^^
Dan Brown (2 books by him)

This story is about the old story for P.S. Well in the book they say that Jesus has a child.. And from that day until now, his generation are been hunted... It's so many stories in one book in the real.. you just have to read it!
The girl, head caracter and Robert who is the real headcaracter is working hard to find what the girl's grandfather wanted to say before he been murded. Robert is a prefessor in symbol.. And there he finds out that the girls grandfather laid symbols to show the way.. to find her grandmother and her own brother..
There is even a movie which is made by it, but it's defenetly not as excitng as the book. And even the movie is boring, just show the investagation, not the real story, because the real story is, that the girl is garnd grand... child for Jesus.. And that's why they wanted to kill her and her brother when they were a child.. and that's why they been apart to let everyone think that they been killed. To protect the grandchildren.

This is a story which is really intresting, about a man who works in the chearch. Well the old kathedral which is in the Rom. And he want to take revange for his father, who are his real father. But he didn't know that, just when he was old.. so he poisoned him and decided to show the poeple that there was a GOD. Well to have a child is forbiddedn for a man who workd in the Kathedral. And he was even Pappa there so that's why he became angry about what he knew.. Since he was teached that everone had to listen to GOD and never do a singel sin, specielly if it was Pappa.
And yeah he does many insane things, as killing and taking up the organization which where thous who was with the knowlege, "the fire, water, earth, air.."
Yeah you have to read it! It's intressting to know about the Rom and history about it..
Dan Brown write so perfectly good and let you go in into another world. You can't even take your eyes from the book you are reading. I remember when I read thous books, I just read the whole day without stopping, just if I wanted to eat or to go to towlet. I even stayed late to read it.. It keeps happening so many things always and even everything is just so exting with knowing so many stories which can be true. The strories are even some history, intressting history. The auther is taking everything in together and make it so perfect.. The movies are not good as the book, absolutly not. The books are so much better and well more exciting.. The story in the book is even not the same as the movie. wel it's the same but not exactly..
Katarina Von Bredow ( 3 books by her )

"som jag vill vara" ( "like I want to be" ) is about a girl who becomes pragnant after that she slept the first time with her boyfriend. And later she decide to keep the child, though both are just 15 years old, and though whole the world is against keeping the child. But she just couldn't kill her own mini child which was ground in her body, stomach. But later everyone becames more understanding when they had no other choice than just accept what she wanted to do.
It's really a good story which show you how to take resposiblity for own act. And even how things can be hard, though we have sometimes to decide hard dececions

"Hur kär får man bli?" ( "How much can one be in love?" ) is about a girl who live with her father, brother and father's girlfriend. The girl meet even a boy who came new to her class, there she falls in love with... Though her best friend likes him. And that's why they get apart, but then became friends again. You would read how she would go throw her bestfriend's relationship and her love. Even how she have it home.. with father's girlfiend, which she didn't like, but who turned to be a nice girl..

"Expert på att rodna" ( "An expert in blushing" ) is about a girl who had to move with her mother to a house, her mothers boyfriend's house. She got a new brother (?) which she was intressted in from the beginning. And there you would read how she would live there with the boy she likes and with the new rules in the new home.
I read these three books by Katarina Von Bredow. All these books are about love and about the feelings of "if its the right or wrong to do this and that.." "What is the right thing to do?"
The feelings of love, regreetness, strength, anger, faith etc.
I really loved all these books. When you read it, you feel like you are the head-caractear. You feel like you are in the story. The auther write the books so perfectly, without any "too detalies" style. She write the story, just too perfect to fit in.
Curtis Sittenfeld- en klass för sig

It's a good book, about a teenage girl who living in an international-school. She tells about how she is living and how she tries to fit in. She's quite old when she write her story, well you would know that because she even write sometimes what she think about things which happened.
But she wrote too in detalies, it would more fun to read a bit direct story, without letting her thought now, disrturb the story. And she describe everything too much. I would like it more if it was a bit more simple, but off course in detalies so I could go in the story.. But now when I read it, it was a little boring to read everything.. I had to jump over some meanings, to keep my focus in the story.
Anyway, it was really good.
Rani and Sukh - Bali rai

"Rani and Sukh" by Bali Rai
It's really great and awsome! Really sad one. I cried all the last chapters of the book.
The novel is about a punjab (Indian) couple who loved each other to death. But the thing was that their families was like animies. Both were teenagers and well they went out without any of familes knew. Later when the boy's sister knew that he went out with that girl. She told them why their families is like animies. She told whole story.. How it began.. How the couple before were killed..
But when they knew about the reason, it was too late to do something about because the girl Rani became pragnant. And then you have to read and see what happens. It really sad and so exciting.. You can't stopp to read since you read the first chapter.
I taket lyser stjärnorna

Today I finnished with the book, "I taket lyser stjärnorna"("The stars on the roof are lighting") by Johanna Thydell.
It was really good!
It's about a 13-year-girl, Jenna. About her friends (Zuzanna, Ullis), love (sakke) and her mother who died in cancer.
"Om du dör mamma, då tar jag livet av mig"
"If you die mother, than I will get rid of my life"
That was what she wrote when her mother lived, but when she died, she changed that and wrote instead:
"Om du dör mamma, då tänker jag fortsätta leva. För dig"
"If you die mother, than I will keep living, For you"