Katarina Von Bredow ( 3 books by her )

"som jag vill vara" ( "like I want to be" ) is about a girl who becomes pragnant after that she slept the first time with her boyfriend. And later she decide to keep the child, though both are just 15 years old, and though whole the world is against keeping the child. But she just couldn't kill her own mini child which was ground in her body, stomach. But later everyone becames more understanding when they had no other choice than just accept what she wanted to do.
It's really a good story which show you how to take resposiblity for own act. And even how things can be hard, though we have sometimes to decide hard dececions

"Hur kär får man bli?" ( "How much can one be in love?" ) is about a girl who live with her father, brother and father's girlfriend. The girl meet even a boy who came new to her class, there she falls in love with... Though her best friend likes him. And that's why they get apart, but then became friends again. You would read how she would go throw her bestfriend's relationship and her love. Even how she have it home.. with father's girlfiend, which she didn't like, but who turned to be a nice girl..

"Expert på att rodna" ( "An expert in blushing" ) is about a girl who had to move with her mother to a house, her mothers boyfriend's house. She got a new brother (?) which she was intressted in from the beginning. And there you would read how she would live there with the boy she likes and with the new rules in the new home.
I read these three books by Katarina Von Bredow. All these books are about love and about the feelings of "if its the right or wrong to do this and that.." "What is the right thing to do?"
The feelings of love, regreetness, strength, anger, faith etc.
I really loved all these books. When you read it, you feel like you are the head-caractear. You feel like you are in the story. The auther write the books so perfectly, without any "too detalies" style. She write the story, just too perfect to fit in.