the guy, the birds, the knocking door

In balcony I was sitting
watching the sky above
Watching the stars which were lighting the dakness above
Suddenly some lights were lighting strongly, by the motorcycles which were going in circles
Controlling by some guys, which were sitting on and making noices.
One of these guys came to the balcony of mine and had cherry in his hind
With my surrprise I opened my mouth automaticly and he stopped it
He was a nice guy, with light eyes and blond hair, a good looking young man..
He smiled and jumped back to his motorcycle when my sister came and told him to get away from me
And asked how I could trust in a guy like that, and how I could let him came near..
Well she was angry at me more correctly..
I shaked my shoulder as "who cares" and went inside to my room. Like I always do in the real.. which make them more angry..
Later I was with my friends, walking back from the Library
Suddenly some motorcycles was behind us..
They were shooting some kind golfballs which were explosive
I tried to shoot them away to not destroy the biuldings and hurt anyone
Later when they stopped I went to one of them, the one I knew
And slapped him on the chick
" What spose that mean?"
"We had just some fun"
"Do you call that fun? Please!
Do you know if polise was here, what would happen?!
You are cleaver so don't give them a chance to destroy your dream, your own future!
If you want to have fun, come with me to Stockholm, I will go there about a week. So come with me to marry-go-around!
It will be fun, and much more fun that this which you guys are doing here."
"Ok I will come."
I looked at him, and smiled. He was still a child, I noticed now. I took his hands and walked with him..

And then I went to my room after throwing away the trash in the right place. There in my room was an abondoned bird, because it had a long tail. But it was so beautiful, small and.. unic. I wondered how it came in, but I guess it came throw the window...
And then when I came near, it just jumped at my shoulder.
"Oh so unfrighten and amazing bird" I thought
Suddenly I heard something thrue the window.. I looked and saw that it was another, much stranger bird flying behind the window. It was like if the bird wanted to come in, I just opened my window and the bird just flying inside..
I finaly woke up by the knocking door I heard in the dream.. While I thought it was real..