Kamisama Kazoku

It's really good stroy about a boy who is "GOD's" son. He lives in the earth with humans to learn how to be a good and gentle GOD. He has even a angel-girl who spose to protect and watch him.. But they fell in love with each other, when they became teenagers. Well it's not like it's forbidden... I guess
"There's always a small devil within peoples heart, that's can take over at any time!
But you can't let that devil grow!
Don't go over to the other side!
Try using persuasion.
Resist violence!
Everything has to be in balance, otherwise it will collapse.
Devil and demons is taken at same meaning here..
The angels and demoms are in the real from same orginal. But the angels serve GOD and demons are thous who lost their angel hearts and let the devil grow in their hearts. Demons are thous who was against GOD's word and want now to destroy the humanity, because of their jealousy.
Angels are thous who listen to GOD and protect the good people. It's thous who are living in heavens. Well all lived once in heavens, but after the happening, the humans been send to earth and the demons send to darkness but their fate is hell and angels are still living in heavens.
Curtis Sittenfeld- en klass för sig

It's a good book, about a teenage girl who living in an international-school. She tells about how she is living and how she tries to fit in. She's quite old when she write her story, well you would know that because she even write sometimes what she think about things which happened.
But she wrote too in detalies, it would more fun to read a bit direct story, without letting her thought now, disrturb the story. And she describe everything too much. I would like it more if it was a bit more simple, but off course in detalies so I could go in the story.. But now when I read it, it was a little boring to read everything.. I had to jump over some meanings, to keep my focus in the story.
Anyway, it was really good.

How did we ever go this far?
You touch my hand and start the car
And for the first time in my life
I'm crying.
Are we in space? Do we belong
Someplace where no one calls it wrong
And like the stars we burn away
The miles.
[Russian Rap which been translated]
I'm a star, you're star
I was told extinguish us
Someone handed in and obtained
The adresses of our meeting
From the eyes on the ceiling
And no one will find
Voices will crack
And the ice will break,
And I am lost without the key
And my bed is my grave
And it's time to switch off
And they've almost caugch us
Smile, release
Cover the mirror
Rip apart and say
"I'm dead, you're dead"
Close yourself off and lie there alone
Become no one
And my hand won't shake
Everything's ok with my hand
It's time to avenge
As easy as two times two
I got in the taxi, so fuck it
And don't ever ask
I could never forgive you
I've found my revenge
All the "powder" I can find
Multiplied by six
Don't call, don't call
I'm tired, I'm tired
I don't want you
I am so fucking tired of you
How did we ever get this far?
It shouldn't have to be this hard.
Now for the first time in my life
I'm flying.
Are we in love? Do we deserve
To bear the shame of this whole world?
And like the night we camouflage
Never ever
start anhything
Never anyone
Just dying and keeping quiet
No searching, No loving
No denying and no sleeping
Never ever
Let anyone go anywhere
Not together. And we will kill.
And they'll dream about water
That's not yours or mine.
How did we ever go this far?
You touch my hand and start the car
And for the first time in my life
I'm crying
Are we in love? Do we deserve
To bear the shame of this whole world
And like the night we camouflage

30 minutes
Out of sight
Out of mind
Out of time
To decide
Do we run?
Should I hide?
For the rest
Of my life
Can we fly?
Do I stay?
We could lose
We could fail
In the moment
It takes
To make plans
Or mistakes
30 minutes, a blink of an eye
30 minutes,to alter our lives
30 minutes,to make up my mind
30 minutes,to finally decide
30 minutes,to whisper your name
30 minutes,to shoulder the blame
30 minutes,of bliss, thirty lies
30 minutes,to finally decide
In the sky
That we shape
With our eyes
Under shade
Casting shade
Crying rain
Can we fly?
Do I stay?
We could lose
We could fail
Either way
Options change
Chances fail
Trains derail
30 minutes, a blink of an eye
30 minutes,to alter our lives
30 minutes,to make up my mind
30 minutes,to finally decide
30 minutes,to whisper your name
30 minutes,to shoulder the blame
30 minutes,of bliss, thirty lies
30 minutes,to finally decide
To decide
To decide, to decide, to decide
To decide
What I thought wasn't mine
In the light
Was one of a kind,
A precious pearl
When I wanted to cry
I couldn't cause I
Wasn't allowed
Gomennasai for everything
Gomennasai, I know I let you down
Gomennasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now
What I thought wasn't all
So innocent
Was a delicate doll
Of porcelain
When I wanted to call you
And ask you for help
I stopped myself
Gomennasai for everything
Gomennasai, I know I let you down
Gomennasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now
What I thought was a dream
A mirage
Was as real as it seemed
A privilege
When I wanted to tell you
I made a mistake
I walked away
Gomennasai, for everything
Lucia and Roberto

A young lady was sitting on the side of the river, in the forest, near her home. She was watching her reflexing face on the water, and was thinking about her family which she lost couple of years ago.
She remembered her older sister who she faught all the time with. They argued about every single thing. And now she really missed to fight again with her and argue like they used to do. She missed her older sister who was always with her when she had bad time. Though all the faighting, they loved each other and were impossible to get them apart. She thought about her mother and father, how they were happy and smiled all the time. How they screamed at her and her sister, when they faught, to calm us down. Remembered how all was so happy before that awful day came. When they been taken away from her, the day she decided to be wise and learn everything to take revange. To stop them for what they are doing. She remembered how their faces were looking sad and afraid, while she hided and was so afraid to do something.
She watched her reflexing face on the water, and wondered how her sister would look like if she was alive. Suddenly a tear falled down from her eyes. She wanted to cry out the pain inside. She wanted to scream out and go now and kill everyone who was with her families death.
She calmed herself down and laid her feet in the water. At that time, she heard something strange, like someone was screaming. She stood up and looked around, nothing was showing up. And suddenly she saw something was flowing on the water. The thing was coming closer without moving. She suddnely noticed that it was a body, a young man who was bleeding. She quickly jumped in the river and helped the man out. He didn't move at all. She tried to feel if he had pulse, but it was so weak pulse. She pressed his chest twise until he began to throw up the water he had drinking. And then he looked up and saw a young lady was sitting beside and looked like she was afraid. And later the man flacked out. She saw that he had been shooten on the shoulder. She heard some running steps, as somebody was coming on this way. She took the young man on her back and tried to hide somewhere. She hided in a bush and laid him there, and began to watch from the side of the bush. It was three men with guns who were running beside the river. They were looking after someone, maybe the young man who been shooten. She sat quiet and waited until they were gone. They didn't notice anything. They were still searching after the body. When they were out of reach, she turned to the young man who was still bleeding. She teared apart his T-shirt to see how the injury was. It looked not so good at all. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she had to take away the thing from his body, The thing which had come from the gun. She tide something around the injury and laid him on her back and tried to go home. There she could help him, maybe. And since the home wasn't so far away, they were at her home after some minutes. She laid him on the floor and went after a pincet. And a bowl of water and anther one bowl with water with a clean cloth. She huried to him and tried to burn the pincet she was holding to make it without bactaries, and later she tried to find the thing in his shoulder. And even since he was flacking out, she could hurry and do her work without making a big deal of it. Though he was sometimes making some noices because of his pain.
Until she felt as she was taching something hard, she took it out after some minutes and laid it in the bowl of water, and cleaned the injury and tied it later with a clean cloth. She laid the things on the right places and went back to him. She sat close and watched him breathing slowly. She wondered who he was, why he had been shooten and why they were after him. If he would live or die. She was even scared to bring a doctor, maybe it's the best to keep it a secret and pray to GOD to save him, she thought after all.
She laid a blancket on him and throw away his T-shirt. Since it was darty and blody, so it would be bad at the injury.
She made sope and began to eat. While she ate she thought about if she had to wake him up to eat something or to leave him sleap. She would wait a little more until he wakes up maybe. When she finished her sope she went to him and sat beside him. She was scared that he would die because of her unknowlege. She tried to be strong all these years, tried to work hard to not be beaten by anyone, but now..
She even didn't know how to help a guy who been shoten. The strength maybe wasn't everything. Maybe the knowlege was even important to beat them, thous who killed her only family.
While she thought he opened his eyes, his green, brown eyes and looked at her.
"Thank you for helping me" he said quietly.
She wake up from her thought, and saw that he was awake.
" Just get up and be good again, it would be good" she smiled.
" I am allright now thanks to you. But can I ask for some water please"
" Oh off course, do you want to eat sope too? "
" Mm, ok" he said and smiled..
She brought a glas of water and a bowl of sope and helped him to sit.
" SO why did they shoot you, why were they after you?"
" I don't know, maybe because I didn't want to continue to be their slave"
" what's your name?"
" Roberto, and you?"
" Lucia... What are you going to do?"
" I don't know.."
They sat quiet and wondered how thinngs would go..
" You can stay here, at leats just to be in good health."
" Thank you, I will not forget that, are you living alone?"
" Mmm" She didn't know what the right is to do, she didn't know him as well, but couldn't just leave him though..
" Have you no one close? "
" My family died" She thought iit became such a bad atmosphere here, she didn't want him to ask any more, she stood up and took the bowl and the glass and went to wash it.
Fabrizio Faniello- I'm in love
No matter what they say now I’m in love,
I do it my own way cause I’m in love,
And I can't keep that song out of my mind,
whistling that silly tune all the time.
(whistle) ... I'm in love
No matter what they say, I don’t care,
I whistle any way everywhere,
I wrote this little song on my own,
She said that I’m a genius; I’m in love,
My friends say that I’m crazy, I’m just fine,
My neighbours stair at me, never mind,
Cause every time this sweetness of her smile,
My supersonic girl, I’m in love.
No matter what they say now I’m in love,
I do it my own way cause I’m in love,
And I can't keep that song out of my mind,
Whistling that silly tune all the time.
Ooh, I’m in love.

In that movie they try to make everything has a meaning.. But what is the meaning, to start over again?
I can't get an idea why.. So the humans would have another chance?
For what, if it's true..
Or what's the meaning of all dying people around, in accidente.. or even been born..
Why is this world so full of mysterium?
Nicolas Cage says that he thinks everything had a meaning before his wife's dead. But after her death he thought that everything has to be just accident, just happens without having any meaning.
When he saw the paper which his son took, in that day the capsul would open and everyone would take a letter which children had made 50 years ago, the paper of numbers of the future which a girl made. The dates of the accident which would happen. He thought again, that everything had a meaning and was planed before, so many years ago. And he began to search and find out, untill the day which the whispers came and took his and the grandchild of that girl away..
You got to see it so you would understand what they mean, and what the whispers wanted from them..
a dream.. hunted

I saw a dream tonight, more correctly I saw two dreams tonight or more
But all the dreams was abit conected with each other
I was going upstairs with my sister or maybe my friend. Seeing a friend I knew sitting on the strairs and was trying to put the heel away.. Because it was hurting her or maybe because it was allready broken. I saw my sister and smiled, she smiled back and we continued to walk upstairs. Until we went into a library there she took a book, which was wroten about dreams. A book which was explaining the meaning of the vision we have in dreams. I opened it and it was so many pictures and beside the picture there was a explaingning.
"O it's great book, I will borrow it and try to read everything"
" But will you really read it or will you just put it aside and forget about it, like you always do"
" No I swear I will read it, even if it's heavy book but most of it is pictures, so it's not so difficult to read it"
I smiled at her and went to borrow.. Suddenly I was standing beside the stairs with my sister and then we saw the same person, our friand who tried to put her heel away walking close.
" Hi" Both my sister and I said
"Hi" she said And smiled.
I looked at her shoes it was just a simple sandales
" Ah so you changed the shoes"
" Yea it's better like this"
And then she had to go and we went too.
Later I saw that I was biking on the bike. It was evening, the sun was going down and the weather was abit cold.. But in the way home, I felt as someone held my shoulder. I was scared first but then I thought it was a child, even if I couldn't see it, but I thought it wouldn't hurt me, so I let it hung on my shoulder. But then it jumped and sat on my shoulder completly, it was heavy and I began to feel so scared, because it wasn't a child I recognized. I quickly took his hands and throw it away and began to bike like hell. I felt how the swet run, as if I was taking a shower. It maybe was raining, I don't know. But the thing is I don't even now where I was going. I biked somewhere I havn't seen before.
(Oh I have seen these streets in dreams hundred of times but not in the reality or in movies) I biked in small streets and then throw away my bike and run to a small building, there it was small stairs. In the way here I heard a voice.. maybe remebered what someone told me, or maybe I just heard a voice who was telling me.
" These creatures was once near to GOD, they were once like us humans, but could see GOD, had powers and were created by fire. They where once good and didn't hurt anyone. But after that we been created, thous creatures was so angry to be in the same level as we humans, the humans without power and was created by ground. They thought they were much higher than us and wanted to have a higher level then us humans. But GOD didn't accept that, He told them that everyone will be in the same level. But they didn't accept that and was agianst GOD's word. And that's why GOD send them to the darkness because they were against His word, but they didn't want to lose like this. So they told GOD to give them a chance to proof how the human-being were so weak. And GOD told them that "humans are much stronger than you think they are, so make me see what you can do, I will be with them always, that's what you have to know, like I used to be with you before you were against my word." And that's even why we humans can't neither see GOD nor demons. To just belive in ourselves and the knowlege we have been given.
And after that they have been called demons and are trying their hardest to show GOD how humans are weak and can be fooled by them so easy. "
When I was listening I just couldn't wonder what was the meaning to tell me this. Why me? And why are they after me if they were. Why could I feel them so clearly and why are they hunting me? I am as normal and simple as everyone else! I have been fooled so many times and did so many wrong things!
I felt as my head was beating so hard, as it will explode soon. I was so tired. Felt as I couldn't move.. I went inside of the house, an old house, but nice. It was like model of a cave.. Betwen the rooms were stairs and the roof wasn't so high, just that high for my size. When I entered the house I couldn't just sit because everything was up and down. Someone has come here and searched for something, but what? I run to every room to find anyone, but I couldn't find someone. And I was so scared. I felt Ias I have to be strong and had to go to mum. She was surely in danger too. But then I saw my sister talking in the phone. "Hurry up and say goodbye without she would know anything, we have to go out from here, now!" it was as if she was talkikng to mum.
" Why, just calm down, you have become insane!" She was so calm and didn't even recongnize how the house were.
I began to tell her over and over again to hurry up and run with me, but in the end she came to me and was so angry and wanted to beat me! I was really scared of her. She wasn't normal. The sister of mine, so nice and always worried about me, wasn't here at all. She had a bandage on her head. I took it away but there iunder the bandage it was a dark cloth, which had a letter or something on it. I thought I had to take it away. Maybe it was a spell on her or something and then when I was trying to take it away I just woke up with such swet and shaking body I never ever were before.
Street fighter - The legend of Chun Li

Her strength, her fury, her vengeance, will become legend.

I really like this movie. It's about a girl whose father been kidnaped by a bad boss who drive the whole world like he wants.. She became at last older and became famous pianoist but then when her mother died she felt as she born as new, I mean as she is a different person, that she has to do something, which she didn't know.. and then when she got the letter.. the mysterious letter, she been told to go to Hong Kung there she will meet a guy, Gin ( I think he's name was) who will be her master, who are going to teach her to fight.. And at the same time she will meet her anemy.. the boss who kidnapped her father.. And yeah well you will see what will she go thrue..
"Fathers always have a weakness for their daughters"
"Angriness isn't gonna guide you"
"You must fight with passion"
"Believe in your true self"
Ayashi no Ceres

This is a story about how a girl with such power could go thru her destenie.. She lost her father while he was protecting her and her mother went in coma.. and even she was forbidden to see her twin who turned to be the husband of that legendary woman who are living inside of her.. which came up in their 16: th birthday.. Well it was really sad story! And well you learn new things.. You just would know what I am talking about if you watch it.. whole the story, till the end..
It's about loving, hating, forgiving and much more.. The most sad eposide was the final episode..
Ghost hunt

25 episode
This anime is awsome! Even if I was scared sometimes while I was wathing it.. but it was something!
It's about a highschool girl who met a boy while he was working. Well he is a mysterious, honsome ghosthunter... One day the assistent of the boy saved the girl in an accident, so she had to be his assitent while his real was injuried, because she was the cause of that..
And after, when the assitent of his was cured, he asked her if she wanted to continue to work with them.. and so the stroy began..
the fountain

Near the central-busstation..
Near the hospital..

It's nice, isn't it?
My shadow..

I was so in love with my shadow so I took a pic ^^
Close to my home..

I don't know if someone living there, but I don't think so. I would like to go and take a look, but I am alittle bit scared ..

I havn't seen anyone there.. not even once.. wonder why.. But I would like to sit there once and maybe clean it and drink some tea with a cake..

This is a big place there some people have theres house-plants.. well like a garden..
La corda d'oro

It's really good story about a girl which been choosen to be musician, to play violin
she is an ordinar first year high-school girl and have never played violin before when she came to this new school, she could see the "little angel" which gave her a magical violin, which one can give sounds just by let the feelings flow on it..
she is so wonderful and so sensitive! ^^
ginban kaleidoscope

The story revolves around Tazusa Sakurano, a Japanese Olympic figure skating candidate, and Pete Pumps, a Canadian stunt pilot. During a qualifying round in Montreal, Canada, Tazusa falls in the middle of a Triple Lutz and loses consciousness. At the same time, Pete dies mid-performance when his stunt plane crashes due to mechanical trouble. Unfortunately for Tazusa, Pete ends up involuntarily inhabiting her body for 100 days. And in thouse days happens many things.. till they loved each other.. But no one could ever do something.. because he was already dead
the wood pigeon

Do you remember the wood pigeon which were in our balcony?
Yeah well they got 2 eggs and later the wood pigeon's babies were out after quite 1 month. And today after the babies have become old enough to fly away...
here is some pic I took from our balcony
I have to clean our balcony now :(
And then I will make the balcony of ours so beautiful..
I hope I have the energy to clean the balcony from all the shit!
But but they were cute, if just Yosef were here when they flew away, he would surely run to cauch them haha
Like my mum did, but she suddenly get afraid when the bird slapped with its wings..
Poor bird he was afraid..
when it was good - flipsyde
Listen to it on youtube!

You used to call me
Just to say I love you baby
You would always treat me like a lady
Everyone was jealous of the way
We kept keeking on.. feeling were so strong
Always knew that I would occupy your mind
You would always find a little more time
To show me I was number one
Put me there on my throne
Lately where's the feeling gone
When it was good...We were sitting on the top of the world
When it was good...No I never wanted nobody else
When it was right not like tonight,
We were sitting on top of the world
When it was good...No we didn't have a cent to our name
When it was good...We were happy in the pouring rain
I wish it would be that good,
When we were sitting on top of the world
That picture of everything I ever dreamed
Now the piture's crashing down around on me
Calls are coming in and we're looking at our friends
Wondering who's it gonna be
When it was so good once upon a time
When it was a simple time, it was a good time
Now we got the perks and all the crème
And it's tearing us apart at the seams
But I remember
Once upon a time it was real
Once upon a time I was thrilled, to get yo call
Then I could get yo all
Then I could get your heart
Now ain't the same
Seem like now it's a game
Once was reckless but now it's tame
Once was real love and now it's fake
Who would've known this path we'd take

You used to call me
Just to say I love you baby
You would always treat me like a lady
Everyone was jealous of the way
We kept keeking on.. feeling were so strong
Always knew that I would occupy your mind
You would always find a little more time
To show me I was number one
Put me there on my throne
Lately where's the feeling gone
When it was good...We were sitting on the top of the world
When it was good...No I never wanted nobody else
When it was right not like tonight,
We were sitting on top of the world
When it was good...No we didn't have a cent to our name
When it was good...We were happy in the pouring rain
I wish it would be that good,
When we were sitting on top of the world
That picture of everything I ever dreamed
Now the piture's crashing down around on me
Calls are coming in and we're looking at our friends
Wondering who's it gonna be
When it was so good once upon a time
When it was a simple time, it was a good time
Now we got the perks and all the crème
And it's tearing us apart at the seams
But I remember
Once upon a time it was real
Once upon a time I was thrilled, to get yo call
Then I could get yo all
Then I could get your heart
Now ain't the same
Seem like now it's a game
Once was reckless but now it's tame
Once was real love and now it's fake
Who would've known this path we'd take

It's really good story about a boy who met a girl.. He always confess to her about his feelings but she put him away. Because he reminds her about the boy who confessed before but died in an accident and now she is afraid to like someone else. Anyway in the end they get together but it happens so many things... He did everything to get her..
In the real the "headactor" is the girl who puts away everyone, yeah well her name is suzuka.
the dream - the woman

I saw a dream tonight, the night before the day of my last examen in this year..
The dream took away my energy and gave me headeache.. I don't know surely if it it was because of the sleepless night or if it was because of the dream I had just last hours of my awaken..
I don't know if I woke up and then dreamed again or if it is the same dream but in another place..
I was now somewhere I don't know, near the busstation I think.. One old woman, in 90 years old came to me and told me something. How hard I though tried to remember what she said, I can't remember it. She maybe told me to be careful of something or to do something or maybe it was an advice she gave me.. It was something really important..
Anyway when she was gone, it was like from then and on I saw as I am just a ghost, just see things without beeing a part of it.
I saw a woman stopped the buss, and gave a lunch-box to her younger sister, who were in the buss, going to school maybe.
And then after that I saw many things, which were not that important.. But then..
A man was walking on the street and a woman too. But the woman came from a small way to that street. Both was going to their works I think. The place was strange.. In the garden of the house there was some cheeps and some bucks. The bucks was so insane. One of them was hurting itself and was so dirty of its own blood. The young lady stood and began to watch. She maybe thought sad for the buck or maybe she wanted to help, or wanted to do something. But then when the buck saw that someone looked at it, it just became more mad and scar the young lady twice with its horn. And then when she woke up of the surrprice of the attack she directly hit the buck with a slap which made the buck "fly" away. The buck behaved normaly now, as if she made him be good, he became even cleaner, not as dirty as he was before... But she was instead hurted and fell on the floor.
The young man run to her and wanted to help her, but what should he do? the whole skin of her was out, it was like two pices, she was even blooding so badly. The strange thing was, the young man gave her his own wristwatch. It was a brown leather with a watch which was quite rectangular. And on the watch was writen "the sound of.." something which I don't remember, maybe sound of birds, or sound of heaven.
Suddenly I was somewhere else near the waterfalls. The young lady who was hurted was sitting under the waterfall. And the wound of her, more like a pice of her chest was just out and being washed with the water of waterfall. The thing is like.. I felt as if she was now clean from everything, from the blood and like she was pure now.. but instead she was dying.. Because of the wound was like going inside of her heart. I run to her and wanted to do something.
The crazy thing was, she could see me at that time.. She told me happyly that he gave her his watch. And I cried, and shouted why she was sitting under the waterfall while she was hurted badly, in that way. She smiled at me and told me something which I don't remember.. Then the watch began to whistle like the birds. As if it was a alarm by a singing birds's sound. Then I saw as it was an elevator, with no walls, just a floor. The elevator was shining as if there was a sun inside the elevator. It was so amazing but at the same time creepy. She told me something and said that she was happy that she was able to have the watch for some minutes, and then she gave me the watch and wanted to go inside this elevator. I took her hand and told her that I loved her and that I won't forget her..
I watched the elevator going up and I fell down and began to cry while I held in the watch she gave me.. Then I woke up because of the sound of my crying and the tears wich were streaming..
And then when I opened my eyes, when I woke up and felt as if I am awake, I felt as if someone is near me. And when I looked above me I saw a face, with red, shining eyes. I shutted my eyes as quickly as I could and took the filt above me.. I was sooo scared. But I couldn't keep hiding there so I began to pray, the texts I can from the quran, and then I suddenly took away my filt and went to toilet because I was going to pee on myself if I didn't run.
Nancy Ajram - Yay sa7r 3yono
I love that song! It was the fist song of her I think..
Oh I feel that way today.. not because I am in love.. but because today was the last examen I had in this year! Yihhaaaa !
And then tomorrow is the last day I go to school! Just want to fly!
At last!
Elissa - betmoun
Elissa! wow! Haha ok ok just kidding ;)
But here she hasn't big boops, strange.. Maybe because...mmmmm haha
But surely I love her..not for who she is, I don't know her, but for her voice and her songs :P
ana haifa ana - haifa wahby
Well I really don't like her, she behave as if she is a hmm.. but this song I kind of like..
But what does she mean when she says bibi? haha does she mean grandma?
And well the funny with the video is when she have a "dog" in the car, you know.. I always thought it was real.. but now, I saw it was just a doll! Really funny! haha
Gröna lund!
I have tried "kvasten" "jetline" "extreme" "kättingflygaren" "pop-expressen" and "rock-jet"
but not "fritt fall" nor "tele2 insane"
But this summer I will go all these! Yiiihaaa! ^^

Vampire Knight

It's really good story!
It's aabout a girl and two boys, one with black hair and the other with light hair. The light-hair- boy hated himself because he think he is a monster cause he became a vampire when the pure blood vampire bit him and killed his family. His family was vampire hunters and he decided to be that too even if he is vampire himself. He used to fight his thurst of blood until one day when the girl who was always with him and took care of him came near, he couldn't stand until he bit her. And she began to sacrifise herself for him and always was giving her blood to him so he won't be E-level vampire which is the worst level. ( because he was a simple human before the bite) In the end when the black hair boy, who always was with her and was the one who saved her from a E-level vampire when she was akid, gave her the memorise she had lost.. She woke up from the sleep, and got knew the truth that the black-hair boy was her own brother, and they are in the real, a pure blood vampire. And the reason why they took away her memoriese when she was a kid because they wanted her to live normal, and because a dangerous vampire wanted to suck her blood to be stronger, since she was a pure blood vampire. In the end she was forced to go with her brother and live her love, which was the light hair...
kaleido star

It's really beautiful story. It's about a girl who hasn't a father or mother, they died in a accident. And her dream is to do a stagefree show, with joyness and happiness. It's really a lively stroy!
All rise- blue
Yo, yo
Yo, yo
Your honour please
Gotta believe what I say (say)
What I will tell (tell)
Happened just the other day (day)
I must confess (confess)
'Cos I've had about enough (enough)
I need your help (help)
Got to make this here thing stop (stop)
Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)
About all the things you used to do (come on)
And if you thought you had me fooled
I'm tellin' you now objection overruled
Here we go (oh baby)
One for the money and the free rides
It's two for the lie that you denied
All rise (all rise)
All rise (all rise, all rise)
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise (I'm gonna tell it to your face)
All rise (I rest my case)
You're on the stand (stand)
With your back against the wall (wall)
Nowhere to run (run)
And nobody you can call (call) oh no
I just can't wait (wait)
Now the case is open wide (wide)
You'll try to pray (pray)
But the jury will decide (decide)
So step back 'cos you don't know this cat
I know deep down that you don't want me to react
I lay low leaving all my options open
The decision of the jury has not been spoken
Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)
But in reality to whom does the stuff belong
I bring you into court to preach my order
And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh
One for the money and the free rides (what you say)
It's two for the lie that you denied (can't you pay)
All rise (what you've done)
All rise
Three for the calls you've been making (what you say)
It's four for the times you've been faking (can't you pay)
All rise (what you've done)
All rise (where you've gone)
One for the money and the free rides
It's two for the lie that you denied (ohhh)
All rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh)
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
I said all rise
I'm gonna tell it to your face
All rise, I rest my case (uhuh uhuh)
A dream.. the beach

I was in a house near the beach taking my jacket to go out and walking near the waves of the sea. It was early at the morning and the sun was on her way to go up.
There was a bridge near, well more correctly above there I was walking. It was a huge bridge and high.
The house was huge and as on the klif.. I was walking and wondering how he would be when he would come.. because he would come with his mother, maybe his family today. I sat and saw the beautiful sunrise which where reflexing on the sea. I laied on my back and breath the fresh air. It was so nice weather like the beautifulest spring weather. After some minutes I went back to the house.
I was in the kitchen helping mum with food when they came, his mother went to mum directly and hugged her, and said coldly hi to me and turned around to mum again. I said hi quietly and continued with what I was doing. I felt like wanting to cry. Would he say hi so coldly too when he will see me?
I saw him coming there with things, on his way to the room beside kitchen, to their room. He saw me when he was in the way and smiled at me. Then his mother told him to hurry up and put the things in the room. He saw her and went to the room and put the things and came on his way to me. My mum and his mother saw us and then I was told from my mum to continue what I was doing because I have to hurry up
and his mother told him to hurry up and take the other things up.
We saw one another and then he went and I continued.. I tried to be finished with everything as quickly as I could to go to him and see him, without anyone knows, because I didn't want them to take us apart.. I wanted to se him and talk to him just alone... What's wrong with talkinbg to him??
When I was finished I hurried up and dressed and wanted to go out. But then when his brother saw that I will go out he went to his brother before I could take my jacket. I just wished him to disapear.
What do they want from us???
I went in my room and cried. Even if he is here now after these years, I can't see him, not even saying hi.
I took away my tear with my hand and stood up. I went out and saw him walking on the beach.. He was thinking about somethig, because he doesn't look like he was in this world. And thanks GOD his brother was on his way back, when he had to go. I hided myself until his brother was not there anymore. And then I walked to him, and began to walk at the same level with him. He saw me and smiled and I smiled back.
W: Hi
A: Hi
W: Happy to see you again
M: Me too
I stood without moving my legs suddenly and thought how wonderful it is to walk with him and talk to him like old days. He turned around and saw that I stood without moving a step. He came closer to me and hugged me. I felt as I wanted to cry.. of happiness.. He hasn't change.. He is still worm and lovely.. He is still that person I knew once..
I hugged him hurder and he held me closer to him.
And then slowly everything became foggy and heared the drops of the rain outside.
everydays makeup