Ingenting finns kvar..

En ung dam vandrar ensamt i den lugna, magiska vårvädret. Hon sätter sig på en bänk framför vattnet som är lugnt och stilla. Det är en sån unik solnedgång som speglar sog över vattnet. Hon kom just från skolan som är i närheten av denna plats. Hon lägger väskan vid henne och tar av sig jackan. Hon sitter blundande och njuter av vårvinden som smeker henne. Strax efter kommer någon, som hon känner från skolan, och sätter sig bredvid henne.
Hon öppnar ögonen och ser att han hade kommit och suttit bredvid, sen blundar hon igen.

W: (lugnt, blundande) så du kom..
M: (lugnt) Ja, jag kom..

De satt tysta en stund.

W: (lugnt) Tror du att det är rätt det vi gör?
M: Jag bryr mig inte om det vi gör är rätt eller fel..
W: Är du inte rädd, ororlig för dig själv?
M: Varför ska jag vara det, dessutom så gör vi inget speciellt heller, bara att prata med varandra är ju inget fel direkt.
W: Men du är min lärare...
M: Kan inte vi glömma det där efter skol-tiden.
W: Visst..

Den unga mannen närmade sig till henne. Tog hennes hand och log när hon öpnade ögonen och såg på honom.
M: Jag älskar dig
W. Jag mer..
M: Kan vi gå til en kafetería eller någon annanstans?
W: Jag måste hem snart.. Jag kan inte lämna min mamma för länge.
M: Mm ok..

Den unga damen stog upp och släppte hans hand.. Och tog på sig sin jacka och la väskan på axeln.
W: Det är bäst att vi glömmer allt..
M: Varför gör du så här?
W: Fattar du inte att du kommer få sparken om någon vet att vi träffas!
M: Men vi träffas ju inte i skoltiden!
W: Min käraste.. Det kommer aldrig att funka, inte minst du kommer att trötta på allt och lämna mig..Är det inte bättre att du gör nu än när jag inte kan leva utan dig..

Den unga mannen stog upp och såg henne i ögonen. Tog hennes hand igen.

M: Min käraste.. Jag kommer aldrig att tröttna.. Vad tror du att jag är för någon sorts man?
W: Du är svensk och jag är arab. Du är kristen, och jag är muslim. Du är min lärare, och jag är din elev. Du är 23 år och jag är 15 år! Tror du att det kommer funka nu då?
M: Visst, men du glömde att nämna att vi älskar varandra. Du sa själv att inget var viktig för dig mer än mig. Och för mig är inget viktig än att vara med dig!
W: Kom igen.. Kärlek är inte det enda viktiga i livet.. Ok vi säger att vi älskar varandra, och sen? Vad ska hända härnäst? Du kommer få sparken om någon såg oss. Och jag kommer bli dödad om någon av min family såg oss. Jag med en svensk! Du kommer säkert vilja ha mer, och det kan jag inte ge! Du kommer bli trött, jag är bara 15 år! För mig spelar det inget roll om du var ens 30 år. Men det är du som kommer tröttna!

Den unga mannen släppte hennes hand och satte sig igen.
Hon såg honom och önskade att allt var annorlunda. Men det går inte. Det är bara så som det är. Hon närmade sig till honom och gav honom en lätt kyss och vände om och gick. Hon gick utan att vända sig om, hon kunde inte visa sina strömmande tårar för honom. Han har nog sina egna bekymmer.
Han såg henne medan hon gick ifrån honom utan att vända sig om och se honom en gång till föränn hon var borta. Han satte där och försökte att lugna ner sig. Glömma, det är vad han måste göra. Det hon sa nyss var rätt. Och om det fortsätter så blir det ännu väre för båda. det är bättre att låta allt som det är. Och inte gräva djupare. För då kanske man kan aldig se ljuset igen...

A dream..The tree...

I saw a dream...

I was with everyone, with my family in a shop which was my sister's. The shop was so beautiful, even if it was alittle.. but there were s many glasses and historik things.
I was going to school, to a party I think or to a lesson of fysics. Well fysics is not as a party, I know, but..
Then someone came so he will take me to that party or to school. But my sister, one of my sister was against going out with a boy. So she and her man went after us to stop us. But then I took a brik and it helped us to fly..(!) and we hugged each other so we could "fly". I helped to go up with the brics which are in the biuldings near. I climbed the biuldings while flying with that person. And it was even raining when we went out..
He was not my type. He was not tall, he was the same as tall as me. And he had yellow, green eyes and had light brown hair. He looked like a Swedish man..
Later when we come to a place where there were cars and parks I stopped, but still was in a hurry. So my sister and her husband wouldn't see us, and take us home again. I had really to go to that party, or to that lesson.
Anyway we were near a park which where surrounded by buildings and the rain stopped, it was sunny now... I saw a buildings which looked like a school buildings. But we went to a family who were passing by, and asked them where the school building was. And they told us the same place I thought it was.
I went to my partner and smiled.. He smiled back and held my hand and then we went to that park. And then I saw a really beatiful tree. It was like the tree it used to be in a park there chairs would be under the tree. It was beautiful, it was green and had flowers, rose flowers. The tree was not tall, the end of the branch were falling down.
And I thought that the tree was magical, and could make me fly even more than the bricks. So I took a branch and tryied to brake it. It was so hard to brake.. So I took a shorter branch and broke it.
But then something awful happened. Everything turned to black.. It was like hurrycaine. Everything was taking by that awful thing. And the partner of mine disapeared, he became a clamentine! (hahaha)
I took the clamentine which was himself.. And cried.. What have I done???
I began to run.. and then I saw a big buildings. I took the strais, and then opened the door.. Suddenly I was a big "concert" but still like a school, ore more like a big famous place..
Then i saw two men standing. I saw them and felt like I knew them as I worked with them ore somthing..Then one of them asked me to come with him.
He was tall, had light brown eyes and brown hair.
I fallowed him.. We took the upstairs and then opened a door to a big room, more like a salon. Then he took my hand and took me in the center of the salon..
It was amazing! The salon had so many cabinet of glass. Inside the cabinet were so many jewalery.. In alll sorts, even thous I never have seen like in the real. It was in all colours. they were shiny and so beautiful. And then he took me near him and began to dance with me (?!) I didn't do anything about it, I even danced too. And there were a mirror there we danced. The strange thing is.. when I saw at the mirror while we danced I saw that the person I danced with was the same as I was with when I run away, and fly with... He was smiling at me, as saying I am fine... And then I looked at the person I am dancing with.. It was the guy I met a secound ago..

And then slowly I woke up.. I was worried about my time, so I won't miss the buss because I had examen, 4 hours-examen in maths.
But still I couldn't forget the dream I had today..

Tree means the life-tree, probably my life-tree. To brake a branch means that you will fall down, hurt myself, but not die. Because the tree is still alive. The hurrycaine means the problem and the falling down which I would have afterwards. But I will run away from it, I will go upstairs.. That mean I will go on with my life..? The guys are just poeple who would help me out..(doesn't have to be guys)?

Por favor, me ayudas

No tengo alguna fuerza en mis sentimientos
Estoy impotente
Necesito tuya ayuda
Estoy sin recursos
No sé que voy a hacer
No sé que me siento
Por favor, me ayudas mí angél
Me derrumbo

Rani and Sukh - Bali rai

"Rani and Sukh" by Bali Rai
It's really great and awsome! Really sad one. I cried all the last chapters of the book.
The novel is about a punjab (Indian) couple who loved each other to death. But the thing was that their families was like animies. Both were teenagers and well they went out without any of familes knew. Later when the boy's sister knew that he went out with that girl. She told them why their families is like animies. She told whole story.. How it began.. How the couple before were killed..
But when they knew about the reason, it was too late to do something about because the girl Rani became pragnant. And then you have to read and see what happens. It really sad and so exciting.. You can't stopp to read since you read the first chapter.

A kiss..

Urban Symphony - Randajad - Estonia Eurovision 2009

Tuba Büyüküstün - "Lemis"

It's alright, ok

You told me there’s no need
To talk it out cause it’s too late
To proceed and slowly
I took your words to walk away
No looking back I wont regret, no
I will find my way
I’m broken but still I have to say

It’s Alright, OK
I’m so much better without you
I wont be sorry
So don’t you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I wont return
our bridge has burnt down
I’m stronger now

You played me, betrayed me
Your love was nothing but a game
Portrait a role, you took control
I couldn’t help but fall
So deep but now I see things clear

Don’t waist you fiction tears on me
Just save them for someone in need
It’s Way to late
I’m closing the door

It’s Alright, OK
I’m so much better without you
I wont be sorry
So don’t you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I wont return, our bridge has burnt down
I’m stronger now
I’m so much better without you
I won't be sorry
No I won't

Wood pigeon in our balcony...

I saw two birds sitting in our balcony couple days ago... And they have made a den on our fridge, which we laid in our balcony since we didn't need two.. At the morning they fly away and at the night they come back again..They come even somethimes at the afternoon to lay under the sunshine... I think even that there will be some eggs in that den soon...
It's quite nice to hear them in the mornings and in the nights... But it's strange that they have made a den in our balcony... While we go to our balcony everyday.. And we have some plants and well it is nice in our balcony.. So why would a bird like to make a den in such place.. near humans.. Are they not afraid from us?
Well for me it's cool, because I really like birds... so It's even really nice to see them coming everyday.. And even when there will be screaming kids... I mean the kids of the birds... It will really be nice..
But I quite believe in such symbols and such things which happens without planing...
Well like a singing bird beside your window... Means that there is a good news... And many other things which I really believe in.. So I feel like these birds mean something... And I believe it means something good... Anyway I hope it is good, Hope something good will happen..
Who doesn't hope that...

shakira - objection

Listen to it on youtube!

Its not her fault that shes so irresistable
But all the damage shes caused isnt fixable
Every twenty seconds you repeat her name
But when it comes to me you dont care
If Im alive or dead

So objection, I dont wanna be the exception
To get a bit of your attention
I love you for free and Im not your mother
But you dont even bother

Objection Im tired of this triangle
Got dizzy dancing tango
Im falling apart in your hands again
No way Ive got to get away

Next to her cheap silicone I look minimal
Thats why in front of your eyes Im invisible
But you gotta know small things also count
You better put your feet on the ground
And see what its about


I wish there was a chance for you and me
I wish you couldnt find a place to be
Away from here

This is pathetic and sardonic
Its sadistic and psychotic
Tango is not for three
Was never meant to be

But you can try it
Rehearse it
Or train like a horse
But dont you count on me
Oh dont you count on me boy!

May, the month of my birth

O I love May
the month of singing birds
the month of my birth

O May
You are the best time in the year
You give the birth to everything
You make the trees be green
You make the air be warm
O May
You are the month of happiness and joy
You are the month of laughs

O May
you are the month I most love
You make me happy and safe
you make me be so glad and alive
You are the one who welcomed me to this world


Let us travel through the world of dreams

when the subconscious takes us for a ride

Where there are no limits

no boundaries

only the unknown is  by your side

In your dreams you are as light as a butterfly

weightless and free

Everything you wish for

in your dreams you will see

Let your mind take you where wild flowers grow

when you sleep the most beautiful things may show



Well honestly all the flowers in the world are so beautiful!


I bought Naomi Campbell "cat deluxe" today
And I want to buy the other another day

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