
I dreamed a dream so simple yet so happy and freely tonigh
I was walking morning walk, near the river and the trees, which was growing wildly around. The area was hilly and foggy. It was cold breeze coming around, the breeze of early morning at the spring or autumn.
While I was walking I suddenly saw a whole flocks of horses. Snow white and night black horses, so beautiful...
I began to run with them so happyly and freely. I even whistled to some horses that would take another way. And when they heasrd my whistle came running at me. So beautiful they were! I tauched while they were running and then one horse came near me and began to run beside me. And then I slowed down and stood still. The horse stood still too and began to came near me and smell me. I began to laugh and petted the horse. He came near me with the back, I smiled tried to go up on his back. And he began to run with me with the other horses. So beautiful it was.. I felt so happy and yet so scared. I could see everything from that high and could feel the air coming so nice at my face. So free I felt!
Slowly I woke up with a happiness within me, opened my eyes and saw the early mornings sky infront of me. How everything can be so peaceful and yet so alive at the early morning!
new diary

Yes Yes Yes!
I bought this diary today! I have always wished a diary like this! The papers are so lean and perfect! And there is even lines to write on!
The latest diary was without lines, and it was so hard to write on, since I havn't been accustomed to write without lines. Thought there are many poeple who write so perfectly on papers without lines.
I will keep you dearly, somewhere no one ever can find you my dear diary
I will take care of you as if you where my own child, at the fact you bear the secrets of my life!
I am unable to control my thoughts sometimes
Because of the bount of thoughts which been mixed in my head
Sometimes I need someone near me
To get me out of this darkness of mixed thoughts
I need you sometimes
I need someone to calm my thoughts down
To help me out of this madness I would be in
Right now I just want to go to a warm place
Near the sea and some exotic trees
Sitting close to you at the beach
Calm my thoughts and have some peace
Nothing els
Even if it was just for a day.
Because I love you soo

My lovely girl
Looking carefully at the innocent soul which been newly born. Feel the quietly beating heart of this angel I am holding. Feel the wormth and smothness of her body. Looking at her face while she is sleeping. She suddenly smiles and holds my finger harder. And my heart jumped at that moment of the happiness. She is soo little that I am afraid to fall from my arms. GOD I feel as I want to protect her from everything. Her hands are soo small and thin. Her body is so little and thin. I am afraid to hold her too hard so she won't get hurt. My heart melt for this child. She took my heart and my brain from the first day I met her. She smells good, as the breeze of the early morning at the spring. Her screaming voice is so warmly and heartbreaking. Her voice is so smothly and lovely. She charms everyone close to her with her pure and beautiful soul. She sleep at your chest as if she wants to hear your beating heart. She lays her two hands at your chest and fall asleep while hearing your beating heart as a good-night-story.
When you let go of her, it would be like being apart from your heart. Something will be missing till you will see her again, smell her and hold her in your arms.
If something bothers her, you try to get ride of it. You would be like a tiger who wants to protect her children if just someone wants to hurt her. You pray to GOD to protect her from every harm, to rise her up into a pure, wise and gentle lady and to be able to be happy in her whole life.
Laughing at my imagination
It's a bit funny with my dreams
Sometimes I get waken by laughing
sometimes I get waken by crying
Or sometimes I wake up when my heart beats so fast
Today I was so tired, because of the "ahia" we did yesterday, mum and I were the only ones who made it this time. It was a bit hard to read, since I never went to school.. but I did good jobb. Next time I will be better in reading..
So today when I came from school I ate with mum and then just slept without noticing. And in that moment I was asleep I saw a dream.. Well I see a dream even if I just was a sleep less than 3 minutes...
I saw that my white T-shirt had become so colored and beautiful. It had some pictures of sunset and some other nice pic's.I felt happy and began to finnish fixing my clothes. Later I sat somewhere, waiting for something. I wasn't sitting alone, some other people were sitting beside me. I might be in a office or in a school.. And because of the long waiting, I began to feel borred. So I took up my fruit which I had in my bag and began to eat it. Later I began to imagine something in my mind.. And I couldn't let go of smiling. I imagined, that the rest of my fruit could be throughn at someone in that office, thous who are just sitting there without doing something and we were just sitting there and waiting. And a minute later I imaganed much better image in my mind. That if I had an egg I could through it on the person who were sitting infront of me, and when I imagined how the person would react, with the rest of egg on his face. I couldn't let go of laughing so loud. And with that I woke up because of the feeling of laughing in my stomach.
When I woke up couldn't wonder what a really strange and funny dream I had. But it was really happy dream, sort of.
I wonder why I imagine things so often, even in the reality and began to laugh so deep. Just because of an imagination I had. I think I even like to imagine that much. It's entertaining sometimes. ^^
my pets..


having a moment of calmness and peace
I have a feeling of wanting to lay on a calm water of a lake
Just to shut my eyes and feel as if I'm flying freely
want to lay calmly without moving
And feel the softly wind touch my face nicely
Feel the warming sunlight on my body and on my face
Want to be able to shut my mind from everything it might think of
To just rest my mind and soul
To just have a moment of calmness and peace
last promise

Dices adiós, hay tanto dolor
qúedate aquí, no te vayas de mí
nunca más compartiremos juntos algo así
quiero estar contiga un poco más
Tu mano, amor.
No quiero hoy soltar
Porque yo sé no la lendré otra vez
creo que cerrando mís ojos
tú no te irás
y estaras por siempre junto a mí
A pesar de que al decirme adiós
estas rompiendo mí corazón
trataré de no llorar
mientras estés aquí
Cómo podré calmar este dolor que hay en mí
obligando a mí corazón a dejar de amarte
y verte partir
No puedo hablar
y hay tanto que decir
mí corazón no para de llorar
no puedo
tratar de retenerte un poco más
porque sé
que debo dejarte ir
Dor última vez
tu rostro miraré
y escucharé tu voz
cerca de mí
el dolor de este recuerdo
pronto se irá
Más tu amor
nunca pasará
sin mirar atras, dijiste
"Adiós, ya nos volveremos a ver"
fuerza de a mi vida esta promesa de final.
Estos mismos sueños
Nunca podre vivir si tú no estás junto a mí
Cómo poder detener el tiempo
justo aquí
Lás lágrimas corren
ahora en mí piel ya que tú no me puedes ver
el valor se va en mí vida
hoy junto a tí
ahora paso a paso te alejas de mi
y yo nada puedo hacer
espero que sepas
que yo siempre
te amare...

The strange thing which happened today was that I thought how bad I looked today and how hanging I looked like, as if I was druged. But today a guy, I guess an iraqi guy, he wasn't cute, he even had coloured his hair blond and looked like an idiot. But the thing is that when he saw me he stood a bit still.
" Masshallah" he said to himself I guess, and that surrpriced me. I never thought that I looked even good.
So maybe not everytime we feel as if we look bad, is true. We might be so pretty though.
What is the true beauty in the real?
Have it to be a special beauty to be pretty?
I guess the beauty depends on how the person is.
A person so normal, can be so pretty just if that one is kind and nice to everyone around.
A person so cute, can even be so ugly, just if that one is evil and unkind to everyone.
So the beauty of the soul is more important than the beauty of the body.
The person can even see itself so pretty just if that one feel happy
But if the person doesn't feel good and feel sad, that one will see itself not pretty at all.
kate winslet

I wish
I wish I could fly
Fly free in the blue sky
I wish my brain was empty with no thoughts
thoughts which are driving me into madness
my darling I wish I had powers..
To get some answers for my quastions
To learn everything without any help
So I would have the strength to do whatever I desire
I wish at least to have the power to stop the streaming tears

This is a great story..about a girl who believed in the power she had.. well she believed she could save the future.. after that she met someone who was from the Heavens.. He told her to believe for the sake of saving the world.. because it will be destroyed otherwise.. she was the girl of the destiny..
The world would be destroyed because for long time ago the spirits of the humans build the world above because of their ceruisity and well with the time they became evcil and the world began to destroy each other.. But the young man, named Munto was the king who wanted to save the world he lived in.. though there was evil.. He believed in a better future..
But in at the finally he was gone!! Well I didn't see him.. I really loved him! :'(
"You won't be able to save the future by sacrificing the feelings of others!"
"The spirit is something we can not see.. it has the power of letting things have a form"
I will love you eternally

If destiny is not for me
And my love is not ment to be
Then why did you let this love on me to see
Now my tears run down like sea
I have been betrayed by fate
How i wish you'll be my soulmate
Torture me until i'll be awake
So this pain would soonly fade
Are you now happy
Seeing my life in mysery
With your love a part of my bitter history
Gradually you are distroying me
Suffering all sleepless night
I just wanna hold you with all my might
On you I can't demand , I don't have rights
Then a snap look at you , found delight
I never stop from crying
Every minute I feel like dying
Release me now from this sighing
I beg don't stop me from loving
I never forget you as i pray
Can you please wipe this tears away
My head on your shoulders i would lay
I love you there's nothing more to say
This may suffocate me from my insecurity
But we can never escape reality
You can't be mine completely
but i will love you eternally